
The September tournaments of the year were played at Armco Park & Hickory Woods. It would be nice if we could increase those numbers to about 32 per tournament next year. It was a perfect day for golf. Talk to your golfing buddies and see what can be done for next year. It was brought to my attention that some golfers did not putt out the hole and too a big number. If you do not finish the hole put an X and not a guess number. This effects net points for other people. The winners for the September tournies were as follows:

 Saturdays winners at Armco Park:

1st Place $80 @ - 52

Russ Yenser – Chris Wyler

 2nd Place $60 @ - 53

Don Hartness – Roger Campbell

 3rd Place $40 @ - 54

Steve Conway – John Stanton

 Low Net

1st Place - $50

Russ Yenser  – 56

 2nd Place - $25

Don Hartness - 57

 3rd Place - $8

Mark Willenbrink - 60

Skins @ $18

#5           Russ Yenser

#6           Jim Wendel

#7           Herb Holmes

#13         Roger Campbell

#16         Scott Shaw

Closest To The Pins @ $10

#1           Scott Shaw

#2           Richard May

#3           Dave Lainhart

#4           Ryan Crist

#5           Dave Lainhart

#6           John Stanton

#7           Herb Holmes

#8           Dave Lainhart

#9           Mark Willenbrink

#10         Nobody

#11         Mark Willenbrink

#12         Nobody

#13         Steve Goertemiller

#14         David Simpson

#15         Dick Freeman

#16         Nobody

#17         Nobody

#18         Richard May

Sunday Results:

1st Place  $80 @  – 61

John Stanton – Scott Shaw

2nd  Place  $60 @ – 63

Mark Willenbrink – Don Hartness

3rd Place $40 @ - 65

Russ Yenser – Dick Freeman

Low Net

1st Place - $54

Mark Willenbrink – 70

2nd  Place - $18

Richard May

Ryan Crist – 70

Skins @ $13

#2           John Stanton

#3           Jeff Young

#7           Ryan Crist

#11         Steve Goertemiller

#12         Ryan Crist

#13         Jamie Harrison

#17         Roger Campbell

Closest To The Pin @ $20

#2           John Stanton

#4           David Simpson

#6           Dave Lainhart

#11         John Stanton

#13         John Stanton

#15         Scott Shaw

 The last tournament will be held at Wildwood. The entry fee is $59 for Saturday. The format is a two man  single best ball. The date is October 14, 2023. The entries are due by

 October 4,2023. Tee times start at 12:00. If I have not received in my hand your entry before Wednesday October 4, 2023 you will not be able to enter the Wildwood Tourney.

With 1 more tournament remaining these are the year end leaders

Net Points

Mark Willenbrink                 178

Russ Yenser                          176 

Ryan Crist                             153

Dick Freeman                      151

Richard May                        123

David Simpson                    122

Scott Shaw                            114

Herb Holmes                        112

Money Winnings

Dave Lainhart                      $225

Russ Yenser                          $215

John Stanton                        $210

Scott Shaw                            $200

Ryan Crist                             $150

David Simpson                    $120

Mike Nuzum                        $115

Steve Goertemiller               $110

Dick Freeman                      $110

Don Hartness                       $110

Side Money

Scott Shaw                            $174

Ryan Crist                             $156

Russ Yenser                          $143

Steve Goertemiller               $137

Jason Harrison                     $126

Herb Holmes                        $116

Mike Nuzum                        $87

Mark Willenbrink                 $73

Remember the year end leaders pay  $60 , $40, $20 in each category. Net points are doubled in the last three tournies.

Unfortunately it looks as if the annual Florida golf trip has not enough interest to go this winter. Old age is starting to take its toll.