MAGA - Middletown Area Golf Association

 Kings Island Golf Course

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Format: 2 Man Customized Stableford


Place Team Net Score Payout
1st Place Mark Mattingly - Scott Shaw
Ryan Crist
122 $120
2nd Place Herb Holmes - Dennis Daley
Steve Conway
126 $90
3rd Place David Saniga - Mark Willenbrink
John Stanton
134 $60
4th Place Russ Yenser - Jim Wendel
Roger Campbell
5th Place Don Hartness - Jim Greer
Steve Goertemiller
6th Place Dick Freeman - David Simpson
Blind Score
7th Place Blind Score - Stu Locke
Richard May
8th Place Steve Harrison - Jason Harrison
Donnie Roberts


Closest to the Pin - $20 each
#2  Mark Mattingly
#5  Ryan Crist
#8  Ryan Crist
#14 Herb Holmes
#16 Mark Mattingly


Skins - $11 each
#1  Mark Mattingly
#2 Scott Shaw
#4 Dennis Daley
#5  Scott Shaw
#6  Dennis Daley
#13  Herb Holmes
#14 Herb Holmes
#15 David Saniga
#17 Jim Wendel
#18 Scott Shaw


Place Low Net Score Payout
1st place Herb Holmes 63 $60
2nd place Scott Shaw 64 $30
3rd place Mark Willenbrink 71 $10


 Player Gross Score Net Score Net Points Side Money Payout
Roger Campbell 88 77 12    
Steve Conway 90 73 15   $30
Ryan Crist 78 72 19   $80
Dennis Daley 79 72 19 $22 $30
Dick Freeman 94 77 12    
Steve Goertemiller 85 77 12    
Jim Greer 86 72 19    
Jason  Harrison 103 84 1    
Steve Harrison 97 80 5    
Don Hartness 96 77 12    
Herb Holmes 71 63 22 $82 $50
Stu Locke 85 81 3    
Mark  Mattingly 85 75 14 $11 $80
Richard May 88 76 13    
Donnie Roberts 91 77 12    
David Saniga 96 82 2 $11 $20
Scott Shaw 88 64 21 $63 $40
David Simpson 94 80 5    
John Stanton 95 72 19   $20
Jim Wendel 101 79 6 $11  
Mark  Willenbrink 82 71 20 $10 $20
Russ Yenser 100 77 12    
 Player Gross Score Net Score Net Points Side Money Payout