
The 4th tournament of the year was played at Browns Run with  26 players on a day that was pretty nice weather wise. We continue to keep getting around 25-28 golfers so far. Hopefully we can continue to add more new golfers or old ones from the past. There is a lot more money to be won than on Saturday weekly golfing.

The next tournament at Kings Island is on SUNDAY July 23rd.

For a little information to all. Some updates on known ailments and surgeries to some of our golfers. Don Hartness had a hip replacement, Jim Drury had a partial knee replacement, Richard May continues to battle his cancer and I have had multiple issues with heart, kidney stones and viral infections that have hampered me. There may be more but I am not aware of all.

The tournament winners were:

1st Place  $100 @ team – 46

Ryan Crist – Brad Mattingly

2nd   Place $80  @ team – 38

Steve Conway – David Simpson

3rd  Place  $60 @ team – 37

Scott Shaw – John Stanton

4th Place $40 @ team – 29

Jim Greer – Roger Campbell

5th Place  @ team – 28

Herb Holmes – Danny Hause

6th Place @ team – 27

Jeff Kinsel – Carl Kohs

7th Place @ team – 21

Don Hartness – Mark Willenbrink

Bob Higgins – Jeff Bischoff

9th Place @ team – 18

Russ Yenser – Dick Freeman

10th Place @ team – 14

Jeff Young – Chris Wyler

11th Place @ team – 9

Jason Harrison – Steve Harrison

12th Place @ team – 8

Mark Mattingly – Dennis Daley

13th Place @ team - -4

Richard May – Stu Locke

Closest To The Pins @ $20

#3           Brad Mattingly

#5           Dennis Daley

#12         Jeff Young

#15         David Simpson

Skins @ $21                          

#2           Ryan Crist

#5           Dennis Daley

#6           Herb Holmes

#8           Herb Holmes

#10         David Simpson

#17         Carl Kohs      

Low Net

 1st Place – $72

David Simpson – 70 

2nd Place - $36

Ryan Crist – 71

 3rd Place - $6

Mark Willenbrink – 73

Scott Shaw - 73

 The next tournament will be held at Kings Island Golf Course on Sunday July 23rd  starting at around 12:30. The cost is $59 per person. This does not include side games. The format of this tourney will be a three man double best ball. Teams will be blind drawn upon completion of tourney.You may pick your own foursome to play with but teams will be drawn afterward.    The deadline for entries is July 17th.  Like all of our remaining tourneys full handicap will be used.

Also I will conduct an audit of scores to see if MAGA members have been entering their scores into the USGA handicap system. If  not entered I will update your scores by the August tournament.

Top 10 Leaders


Dennis Daley                        $125

Steve Goertemiller                 $125

Herb Holmes                        $125

John Stanton                         $100

Scott Shaw                             $80

Brad Mattingly                        $70

Doug Brothers                         $65

Roger Campbell                       $63

Jim Greer                                $63

David Simpson                        $50

Jeff Kinsel                              $48

Net Points

Ryan Crist                               91

Herb Holmes                           90

Scott Shaw                              80

Steve Goertemiller                   70

David Simpson                         68

Jason Harrison                         67

Jim Greer                                66

Mark Willenbrink                     64

Roger Campbell                       63

Jeff Kinsel                               60

Stu Locke                                58

Jeff Young                              52

Side Money

Roger Campbell                     $155

Herb Holmes                         $155

Ryan Crist                             $145

David Simpson                       $105

Jeff Kinsel                              $90

Dennis Daley                         $63

Jason Harrison                       $61

Scott Shaw                            $51

Carl Kohs                              $42  

Steve Goertemiller                  $37