
The last tournament of the 2020 year was played at Wildwood Golf Course. Returning from an absence due to my medical condition I hope to be back to normal by the time next year rolls around. Almost all of our tournaments were played with about 24 to 28 golfers. It would have been nice to have a few more but we will go with what we have.

Here are the tournament winners      at Wildwood Saturday

1st Place  $100 @ 57

Jim Greer – Chris Wyler

2nd Place  $80 @ 61

John Stanton – Jerry McIntosh

3rd  Place $50 @ 64

Larry Lawson – Steve Conway

Mark Willenbrink – Dave Lainhart

Closest To The Pin @ $20

#2           Larry Lawson

#9           Dave Lainhart

#10         Steve Goertemiller

#16         Jim Greer

#18         Dennis Daley

Skins @ $18

#2           Larry Lawson

#4           Bret Yenser

#8           Steve Goertemiller

#9           Barry Wills

#10         Chris Wyler

#13         Dennis Daley

#17         David Simpson

Low Net

1st Place - $66

Chris Wyler – 61

2nd Place - $33

Jim Greer – 68

3rd Place - $6

Herb Holmes – 72

Dave Lainhart – 72

The final year end winners were:

Side Money

Jeff Young          - $60 @  $183

Mark Mattingly    - $40 @  $168

Larry Lawson      - $20 @  $137

Net Points

Larry Lawson         - $60 @  219

Herb Holmes          - $40  @  198

Roger Campbell     - $10  @  185

Money Leaders

Chris Wyler             $60 @  $215   

Jeff Young           -  $40 @  $185

Dennis Daley       -  $20 @  $160

This concludes the schedule for the 2020 season. Hope to see all of you next year in the MAGA. The tournaments will run from April through October in the year 2021. Hopefully maybe the country will be back to normal.

Starting in the year 2020 USGA is retooling the handicap system. The changes will be no golfer can take a score of more than two strokes over par minus their handicap o that hole. So to make it easier to understand if you have 18 strokes handicap the highest score you can take on a par 3 would be 6, a par 4 would be 7 and a par 5 would be 8.


There is no more taking a 7 on a given hole if your handicap is under 20 or an 8 if you are a handicap of 20 to under 30. This is the new adjustments that are to be made before entering your score in the GHIN. Something that some of you don’t do right. This new system tends to lower what you were used too.

By not putting in all your scores you may be cheating partners in the blind draw. Some people were penalized for not submitting their scores from MAGA Tournaments.  These can be put in on the internet from home with your name and GHIN number. It only takes a minute or two. There were a few scores recorded in an individual’s GHIN. If you failed to put in a high score I did nothing. If you switch location of your GHIN handicap take your current number with you and have that transferred.

Hope to see you next year and bring a friend to increase the number of members.

Like always there is a group of guys headed this year by Russ Yenser going to Florida in mid March. If you have any interest in going contact me and I will be able to give you the information. A downpayment of $200 is due ASAP and the remainder is due before the end of the year. This year it looks like we will have 16 golfers going. We play at least 6 rounds of golf. The cost runs around $1150.

We did have a few new golfers this year and the return of some old ones. Hope to continue to try and increase our group to around 28 for all tournaments.