
The 3rd  tournament of the year was played  at Hueston Woods with  32 players on a day that was pretty nice weather wise. This is the most players we have had in years. Hopefully we can continue to add more new golfers or old ones from the past. There is a lot more money to be won than on Saturday weekly golfing.

 The next tournament at Kings Island is on SUNDAY July 19th.

 For a little information to all.. Some of you may have heard I have been diagnosed with follicular lymphoma cancer. My cancer is an aggressive rapid spreading cancer. After going through testing and seeing many doctors I will be receiving chemo treatments to fight the disease. The positive note is it can be treated and sent to remission and have no effect except many more doctor visits if treated properly. If physically able I can continue to live a normal life.

 The tournament winners were:

 1st Place  $100 @ team – 39

 Jeff Young – Chris Wyler

 2nd   Place $80  @ team – 38

 Russ Yenser – Larry Lawson

 3rd  Place  $60 @ team – 37

 Dennis Daley – Mark Mattingly

 4th Place $40 @ team – 34

 Jeff Bischoff – Bob Higgins

5th Place $20 @ team – 31

Rich Mealey – Steve Harrison

Closest To The Pins @ $20

#3           Rich Mealey

#8           Steve Conway

#16         Dennis Daley

#18         Jim Drury

Skins @ $40

#9           Mark Mattingly

#11         Jeff Young

#14         Bob Higgins

#17         Steve Goertemiller

Low Net

1st Place – $72

Mark Mattingly – 71

Rich Mealey - 71

3rd Place - $8

Mark Willenbrink – 73

Russ Yenser - 73

The next tournament will be held at Kings Island Golf Course on Sunday July 19th starting at around 12:30. The cost is $54 per person. This does not include side games. The format of this tourney will be a four man triple best ball. Sign up as twosomes and we will blind draw teams. The deadline for entries is July 9th.  Like all of our remaining tourneys full handicap will be used. Try to get your entries in as early as possible because my availability may not be able do to medical condition and time available. Also we had 4 people whos mail was sent early but somehow got lost and didn’t show up until a week after the tournament.

Also I will conduct an audit of scores to see if MAGA members have been entering their scores into the USGA handicap system. If  not entered I will update your scores by the August tournament.

Top 10 Leaders


Jeff Young                            $140

Dennis Daley                        $130

Chris Wyler                           $100

Mark Mattingly                    $90

Jim Drury                              $80

Roger Campbell                  $75

Jerry McIntosh                    $75

Russ Yenser                          $60

Bob Higgins                          $40

Larry Lawson                       $40

Donnie Roberts                    $40

Net Points

Larry Lawson                       71

Herb Holmes                        66

Mark Willenbrink                 65

Roger Campbell                  64

Jeff Young                            62

Jerry McIntosh                    59

Dick Freeman                      55

Mark Mattingly                    53

Jim Drury                              49

David Simpson                    47

Steve Harrison                     47

Russ Yenser                          47

Side Money

Mark Mattingly                    $142

Herb Holmes                        $126

Jeff Young                            $94

Rich Mealey                         $72

Jerry McIntosh                    $64

Dennis Daley                        $54

Jim Drury                              $46

Steve Goertemiller               $40

Bob Higgins                          $40

David Conway                     $30

Dick Freeman                        $30