

The 2016 MAGA Season has started with a few deletions from last year due to cost increases. You don’t have to play in everyone but it will help you for the yearly totals. Hopefully we can add a few more members this year along with keeping the old ones. This year we will be changing a few things because of requests and concerns. These are suggestions from some of the members. Also in September after the Armco Park Tourney we will be grilling hamburgers & hotdogs like before. We will still sign up as individuals for the last 2 tournaments and play a 2 man best ball format. At Armco Park we will draw for partners after the round and at Wildwood we will draw before the round. Handicaps will still be used in these tourneys.

 Below is a list of the 2016 schedule and formats. Again this year prizes will be awarded for the accumulated totals for Money Winners, Net Points and Side Games. All tournaments will count in tabulating the year end totals. Information for this year and past can be obtained by going to MAGA website of WWW.TJCOPE.NET/MAGA

You may send in your yearly application fee and first tournament fee whenever you want. Not all of these golf courses are confirmed at this time.








March  26th

Stonelick Hills

2 Man Daley Stableford




April 16th              

 Hamilton Elks

4 Man All Balls



Sign up As Foursome




May 14th

Kings Island

2 Man Alternate Holes




May 15th

Yankee Trace

4 Man Triple Best Ball




June 11th

Hueston Woods

2 Man Both Balls



Sign Up As Foursome




July 23rd  

Walden Ponds

2 Man Customized Stableford




August 20th  


4 Man 6 /6 /6




September 17th

 Elks Run

4 Man Double Best Ball



Sign Up As Foursome




September 18th

Armco Park

2 Man Best Ball



Sign Up As Individual



Blind Draw After Golf




October 8th


2 Man Best Ball



Sign Up As Individual