
The 5th  tournament of the year saw the foursome of Anthony Motley, Jerry McIntosh, Jim Greer and Roger Campbell come up with the win .The weather finally cooperated and ended up being a beautiful day for golf.


 There were 35 players for this tournament.


 The tournament winners were:

 1st Place  $200 @ team – 201   

Roger Campbell – Jim Greer

Anthony Motley – Jerry McIntosh


2nd  Place  $100 @ team – 204

Donnie Fisher – Blind Draw

Rich Mealey – Steve Harrison


2nd Place  $100 @ team – 204

Doug Mazurek – Louis Czenski

Darrell Townsend – Jim Zimmer


Closest To The Pins @ $20

#3            Terry Halderman    

#8            Anthony Motley

#16          Terry McGuire

#18          Roger Campbell


Skins @ $23

#2            Casey Weidner

#4            Casey Weidner

#5            Terry Halderman

#7            Russ Yenser

#9            Rich Mealey

#12          Anthony Motley

#13          Jim Greer


Low Gross

1st Place - $21

Anthony Motley  - 76


2nd Place - $9

Jeff Young  - 79

Low Net

1st Place – $90

Rich Mealey  - 66


2nd Place - $45

Anthony Motley  - 67


3rd  Place - $15

Jim Greer  – 69


In an effort to get information to the members TJ Cope has developed a website. The web page site is:




The next tournament will be held at Kings Island.  The date of this tournament will be July 23rd  with tee times starting at 12:30 PM. The format of this tourney will be a two man both balls.


Sign up as a twosome and people will be paired by a blind draw. Like all of our remaining tourneys full handicap will be used.


The deadline for the Kings Island Tournament will be Wednesday July 13th. Entry fee for this tourney is $52 which includes greens fees, carts, range balls and prize fund. 


People who send in their entry fees and side games in advance will be given first choices if possible when requesting certain tee times. Everyone wants to play early.


Kings Island Golf Course has had a make over  and changed quite a bit I have heard. This change is not for the better. Some holes have been eliminated.

Now on another subject that happened in our last tournament. If for some reason you can’t make your tee time let me know at home. There are sometimes people who will play or substitute for you. Some courses will not give refunds for no shows. So you may lose your entry fees. If  I can find someone to fill in for you they will pay for the tournament and you will receive your money back.


On another subject if a person is going to play as a guest he must have a USGA handicap. If he or she is going to join and has never had a handicap we will try and give them one. It is not fair to give handicaps to people when you do not know how or when they play.


The last tournament of the year is up in the air right now. We are still negotiating with Wildwood Golf Course on a fair price for the October tournament. It should be determined before the next tournament at Kings Island. If we do not play there, we will look into other courses for our last tournament.