The 4th tournament of the year saw the twosome of Kihm Pinson and Stan Tipton finally enter the win column for the first time in MAGA from the low net score of Kihm Pinsons 64.  Stan hung on for the ride. The weather finally cooperated and ended up being a beautiful day for golf.


There were 44 players for this tournament. The scores were not as low as I had anticipated.


The tournament winners were:


1st Place  $160 @ team – 137       

Kihm Pinson – Stan Tipton


2nd  Place  $120 @ team – 139 

Donnie Fisher – Barry Wills


3rd Place  $80 @ team – 140

Doug Mazurek – Chuck Schroll


4th Place $60 @ team – 141

Jeff Young – George Gross


5th  Place $20 @ team – 142

Scott Sloneker – Tim Bogan


5th  Place $20 @ team – 142

John O’Donnell – Chris Wyler


Closest To The Pins @ $20

#3            No Flag     

#8            Mike Fites

#16          Rick Nuthman

#18          Rich Mealey


Skins @ $35

#5            Roger Campbell

#8            Mike Fites

#11          John Evans

#13          Mark Augspurger

#16          Rick Nuthman

#17          Terry McGuire


Low Gross

1st Place - $14

Mark Augspurger - 78

2Nd Place - $6

John Evans - 81


Low Net

1st Place – $120

Kihm Pinson  - 64


2nd Place - $60

Donnie Fisher - 66


3rd  Place - $20

Tim Bogan – 67


In an effort to get information to the members TJ Cope has developed a website. The web page site is:


The next tournament will be held at Hickory Woods.  The date of this tournament will be July 24th  with tee times starting at 11:00 AM. The format of this tourney will be the modified stableford format which is awarded points for your score. The more points you get the better. All points are net scores.


-5 points     more than triple bogey

-2 points     double or triple bogey    

 0 points      bogey

+1 point      par

+3 points    birdie

+5 points    eagle

+8 points    double eagle


If you can’t figure the points just put your score down on the card and it will be figured at the end.


Sign up as a twosome and people will be paired by a blind draw. Like all of our remaining tourneys full handicap will be used.


The deadline for the Hickory Woods Tournament will be Thursday July 15th. Entry fee for this tourney is $38 which includes greens fee and prize fund.  Carts will be extra and will

have to be paid for from the individuals who wish carts.

Remember to beat the deadline for entries. If you can call someone on the phone then you can mail in your entry fee. It only takes a minute. There were two people who were shutout of the last tournament because their entries were not sent and they were too late. Remember if you are playing with a partner both entries must be sent in on time.


People who send in their entry fees and side games in advance will be given first choices if possible when requesting certain tee times. Everyone wants to play early.


Directions for the next tournament at Hickory Woods are as follows:


Take I-75 South to I-275 East. Go 10.4 Miles, Get off at Exit 54 at Wards Corner Road. Turn Left

Go 2.9 Miles and turn right on SR 48 which is not marked very well. A street sign is on the left corner called Oak Street.  Go 1.7 miles and turn right on Smith Road. Go 1.4 miles and turn right on Hickory Woods Drive. Go straight to the golf course.

Allow some extra time to get to this golf course. In case you get lost the phone number at the course is

(513) 575-3900.


These directions are a couple of years old but will get you there. There are other ways to get to this golf course too so if you know a better way feel free to take it. This golf course does not have a driving range. But remember to get your entries in on time. There will be no add-ons except to make an even foursome.