The 6th tournament of the year saw Russ Yenser tying the has been duo of  Mark Mattingly & Terry McGuire for the number of tournaments won this year. Not only has Terry McGuire completely fell apart since winning three straight tournaments, he may have also set a new MAGA record with a 20 on the fifth hole at Beavercreek to finish high gross and high net for the tournament.


The winning team of Russ Yenser, Doug Mazurek, TJ Cope and Herley Hatfield ran away from the small field with a seven stroke victory on a hot but pleasant day at Beavercreek.


The tournament winners were:

1st Place  $200 @ team – 119     

Russ Yenser – Doug Mazurek

TJ Cope – Herley Hatfield


2nd  Place  $100 @ team – 126

Darrell Townsend – Jim Zimmer

Roger Campbell – Jerry McIntosh


Closest To The Pins @ $20

#6            Sean Yenser

#8            Doug Mazurek

#13          Mark Mattingly

#17          Steve Witt


Skins @ $14                                    #1            John Stanton

#3            Doug Mazurek

#5            TJ Cope

#6            Jeff Young

#7            Russ Yenser

#8            John O’Donnell

#11          John Stanton

#18          Jerry McIntosh


Low Gross

1st Place - $10

Mark Mattingly – 83

Jeff Young         - 83


Low Net

1st Place – $45

TJ Cope – 65

Mark Mattingly - 65


3rd  Place - $10

Darrell Townsend – 66


In an effort to get information to the members TJ Cope has developed a website. The web page site is:


The next tournament will be held at Weatherwax Golf Course.  The date of this tournament will be September 13th & 14th with tee times starting at 11:30 AM. The format of this tourney will be two separate tourneys in one. Saturdays format will be two man single best ball. Sundays format will be two man 6/6/6. The first six will be single best ball, the second six will be a two man scramble and the last six will be a two man alternating shots. The only explanation is for the last six. The last six will have both members teeing off, then taking the shot of your choice. Once you select the shot you will alternate all remaining shots for that hole until you finish that hole. If you play both days your scores will be added together for an additional two day prize. If you only play one day you are only entitled for the prizes for that day. On Saturday all side games will exist like normal. On Sunday the only side game will be a skins game costing each play.

The deadline for the Weatherwax Tournament will be Thursday September 4th. Entry fee for this tourney is $40 for a single day or $75 for both days which includes greens fees and prize fund only. No carts are included with this tournament.


If you prepay or pay at the golf course for side games make sure you put your name on the right sheet or you will not be entered in that side game. It is the responsibility of the golfer to make sure his or her name is on the sheet if they paid for that side game. The

next time you will not be included if your name is not on the sheet.


Someone suggested putting the team scores in our newsletters  on the results from the previous tournament. These results can be seen below.



Russ Yenser – Doug Mazurek

TJ Cope – Herley Hatfield



Darrell Townsend – Jim Zimmer

Roger Campbell – Jerry McIntosh



John Stanton  - Rick Nuthman

John O’Donnell – Chris Wyler



Mark Mattingly – Terry McGuire

Don Hartness – Terry Halderman



Jeff Young – George Gross

Steve Witt – Gary Weikel



Bret Yenser – Sean Yenser

Kihm Pinson – Stan Tipton


There are only two dates remaining for MAGA events. One in September at Weatherwax and the other in October at Heatherwoode.


Leaders in the overall categories for the year can be seen on the website.


If there are any new or old courses you would like to play next year let Russ Yenser know so I can check prices and availability for next year. Also if there is another type of format or one you like this year let that be known too.


In leaving I would like to thank Mike Sowders for his cooperation in MAGA. He has been forced to move to New Mexico for work related reasons.