The 4th tournament of the year saw the twosome of Mark Mattingly and Terry McGuire come back to earth and finish far down the leaderboard.  The weather finally cooperated and ended up being a beautiful day for golf.


In this tournament there was a mistake on Don Hartness handicap that was addressed before the tournament. Mistakes can be made and should be checked and questioned if there is something that looks wrong. Not only was his wrong but an adjustment was made after the tournament that cost him another stroke which raised his score. He should have received 20 strokes handicap but was given 23 on the initial scorecard. This adjustment cost Don a chance to win a little extra money on low net and also would have tied his team for 4th place. There are mistakes made every tournament when adding scores and are corrected after the tournament. Because we try to pay out the money on the day of the tourney some are not caught until scores are put in the computer at home.  Also on another negative note:

Don Hartness would have won a skin on #2 hole with a birdie but chose not to enter the skins game.


If you prepay or pay at the golf course for side games make sure you put your name on the right sheet or you will not be entered in that side game.


There is usually about 6 or 7 people who don’t get into the skins game or low net but that is their option.


The tournament winners were:


1st Place  $120 @ team – 143       John Knechtly – George Lackens


1st Place  $120 @ team – 143 

Mark Augspurger – John Rossi

3rd Place  $80 @ team – 146

Roger Campbell – Jim Greer


4th Place $50 @ team – 147

Russ Yenser – Larry Lawson


4th Place $50 @ team – 147

TJ Cope – Herley Hatfield


Closest To The Pins @ $20

#3            Chris Wyler     

#8            Nick Callsen

#16          John O’Donnell

#18          Jeff Young


Skins @ $37

#5  Mike Sowders

#9            Dave Callsen

#12          Nick Callsen

#13          Roger Campbell

#14          Mark Augspurger


Low Gross

!st Place - $17.50

Mark Augspurger - 77


2nd Place - $3.75

Rick Nuthman- 88


2nd Place - $3.75

Jeff Young - 88


Low Net

1st Place – $102

John Knechtly  - 67


2nd Place - $51

Dave Mize - 69


3rd  Place - $6

Don Hartness – 70


3rd  Place - $6

John Rossi  - 70


3rd  Place - $6

Jim Zimmer - 70


In an effort to get information to the members TJ Cope has developed a website. The web page site is:


The next tournament will be held at Hickory Woods.  The date of this tournament will be July 19th with tee times starting at 11:00 AM. The format of this tourney will be the modified stableford format which is awarded points for your score. The more points you get the better. All points are net scores.


-5 points   more than triple bogey

-2 points   double or triple bogey    

 0 points   bogey

+1 point   par

+3 points   birdie

+5 points   eagle

+8 points   double eagle


If you can’t figure the points just put your score down on the card and it will be figured at the end.


Foursomes will be determined by blind draw and will not be paired together. Teams can be seen before the tournament on the big score sheets. This will make you play your best without knowing how your team is doing. The format is something different but is something we are trying to not repeat any of our formats. If you have any other suggestions let us know.


Sign up as a twosome and people will be paired by a blind draw. Like all of our remaining tourneys full handicap will be used.


The deadline for the Hickory Woods Tournament will be Thursday July 10th. Entry fee for this tourney is $50 which includes greens fee, cart and prize fund. 


People who send in their entry fees and side games in advance will be given first choices if possible when requesting certain tee times. Everyone wants to play early.